Recognising People from the Future

This is a big tangent. I suspect my (very minor) psychic powers and (very weak) magical powers are somehow connected to autism. I have inherited all of them from my grandmother…

As a skeptic, and a scientist at heart, I know I have on occasion recognised people from my future. It never has occurred when it has a reasonable possibility, like a first date or a new job. It always catches me by surprise. These days I am bold, I call it out and I am never wrong (but it is rare, way less than once a year). Like all things magic, it is primarily a curiosity and of no actual use.

For years now I have be been noticing character actors in TV shows and knowing I have seen them before in something. So I check them out on Wikipedia… sometimes they have had a bit part in something I had watched previously, and I go OK, that explains it – they made quite an impression.

But just as often they have never been in anything I have seen, which was puzzling.

I can’t recall all of those previous instances, but I have a hypothesis. Today’s instance is Midnight Mass, and the lead character Riley. I am heavily invested in this show and loving it. In the short term this show is an important part of my life, in terms of thoughts and feelings (mission accomplished, creators). I know him from the first scene, have seen him before. But according to the Internet, I have never seen this actor before.

I believe my “recognising people from the future” applies to entertainment as well.

(so not provable…)

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