I Don’t Get The Munchies

I don’t get stoned much these days, but I have been plenty enough to know how I respond to it, and one thing I have never understood is that compulsory Hollywood association with getting the “munchies”. No actually feeling hungry, but more wanting very much to eat something pleasing, like pizza.

Something I know well about autism is that I have developed coping mechanisms over the years. And one that began very early and sub-consciously is reducing inputs to a manageable level, like wearing sunglasses to reduce the glare.

For example in dangerous or violent situations I tend to be a cool observer, detached from the reality. The alternative is to actively care which would be overwhelming (for me).

So, my theory regarding the munchies is that it is there, just somewhat muted, as part of the general muting of all feelings and sensations.

If my stoned friends take me to a restaurant, I do become more enthusiastic about eating and I enjoy it more – so there are aspects of munchies noticeable.

Also, I don’t tend to be a fanatic of anything. That might be related

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